Whether it's the carpenter's hammer, the flathead and Phillips (cross-headed) screwdrivers, the carpenter's square with a ruler made of metal, the ergonomic protective eyeware, the PU work gloves, the clamps and nails, the carpenter's pencil incl. fitting sharpener and measuring tape - this large set of children's tools is a must-have! The individually adjustable belt with a click buckle has 8 compartments, a metal hammer loop, and a snap hook so that every tool has its proper place. The spirit level is a hit with its ability to be hung up and a magnetic strip on the side, and is versatile thanks to the horizontal, vertical, and 45° levels.
With this sturdy tool belt, the real, Child-Friendly Tools are always at hand! The robust hammer has a slip-proof, rubber-finished grip surface, while the stable measuring tape with end hooks and an automatic retraction function impresses customers. When turning screws, hammering, measuring, and sketching, kids will train their crafting skills, and optimal measurements can be achieved. With the realistic, yet child-friendly tools, it's particularly fun for children when they're trying out their first real building project!
Suitable Age: 8 years and above
Dimensions: 44 x 19 x 6.5 cm
Parents supervision is advised.