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Collection: Sensory Play by SENSATIONAL

We are excited to announce our collaboration with SENSATIONAL, a Sensory Play Haven. 

SENSATIONAL is the brainchild of a community of local mums and dads who believe in learning through play, and above all, sensory play. They have created some beautiful sensory bins and small world play concepts, all of which we are delighted to list on the Lil Fairies site.

We also think that the involvement of dads, especially in today's world, is so important. And it's wonderful to see that balance in the concepts and ideas for the SENSATIONAL playsets.

#throwback in the beginning: To reduce reliance on screen time, one mum accidentally stumbled upon traditional methods of keeping her children occupied productively.

"There was a day when I was so busy with work and chores and kids were fighting over the remote control. Out of desperation, I literally threw a bag of plastic spoons and told them to do anything but gorge their eyes out. When I came back, they had built a train track. That was when I realise that children can make anything out of nothing, as long as we don't inhibit them or force too much structure.''

This mum then went on to research about open-ended play, small world play and that led her to sensory play. After gathering like-minded parents to form a community of contributors and playmakers, SENSATIONAL was born. 

Children need a creative and free space to learn through play. SENSATIONAL's aim is to provide the correct kits and tools to harness that power of imagination and ability to learn and for parents to take comfort that their children are purposefully engaged.

We are not going to lie, sensory play can get messy. But SENSATIONAL assures that they use quality products that are easy to clean and keep well. Their playsets are extensive, age-appropriate and vigorously tested on their own children, who are all still alive and well.

Check out the collection exclusively here at Lil Fairies. We guarantee you won't regret it.

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  • The Mermaid Collection (SENSATIONAL)
    The Mermaid Collection (SENSATIONAL)
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